Societal Leadership and the 4C Framework
If our individual lives and our society are the consequences of our own conscious behaviours, then we are the architects of our humanity and we are capable of actions that will make things better. By unlocking the leadership potential within each of us, we can contribute to a future that benefits us all.
We are experiencing a unique moment in history, perhaps a new era in the course of our humanity. The scale and speed of both the challenges and the opportunities we face may exceed anything we have seen in the past 100 years. Indeed, some of the challenges may seem formidable.
Prevalent today is the COVID-19 pandemic and the extreme uncertainty it creates, including the adverse effects on our socio-economic situation and our personal lives. We are also confronted with the unpredictability that climate change may bring, the increasing challenges in our civil society, and the on-going technological transformations.
Each of us is in a position to lead and influence change in our world, be it in our own lives, our communities, or our institutions. To shape destiny is to lead well, and to lead well we must live well. To meet the challenges we face and affect positive change we must seize the opportunities that exist, we must become Societal Leaders.
What is Societal Leadership?
Many who hold formal leadership positions identify too closely with their role, and their title. It dominates their identity. They can become overly fixated on achieving the goals and objectives of their organizations, and focused on reaping the rewards of having done so.
Societal Leadership has regard for the greater good of society, one that imbues a powerful sense of responsibility for securing a stable, secure and sustainable future for humankind and nature, everywhere in our interconnected world.
Societal leadership encompasses all of us. It’s everybody’s business. It is not the domain of a select few, nor should it be. Societal leaders provide guidance to move us forward. They connect and inspire us to create a world that is compassionate and just.
Sometimes, the true heroes of leadership are ordinary people who get extraordinary things done, creating a better future through their societal leadership and a discipline recognized as the 4C Leadership Framework.
The 4Cs - Competence, Character, Conviction, and Courage
represent the organic roots of leadership, in fact these elements form the basis of a good human being. Where one or more of the Cs is lacking, the ability to lead well and to reach one’s full potential is compromised. 1. Competence (What a leader is capable of doing)
Societal leaders must possess the experience, knowledge, and personal development to maintain skills, confidence and good judgment to ensure sound decisions are made, appropriate and acceptable actions are taken, and that their roles are performed
effectively and responsibly.
2. Character (What defines the leader as a good person)
Leaders of exemplary character stand for something bigger than themselves. They demonstrate uncompromising personal attributes that consistently guide their actions and their
behaviours, regardless of irresistible temptations or overwhelming challenges and undue influences.
3. Conviction (How a leader shows their ethical authenticity and moral fortitude)
Societal leaders are authentic human beings that embody the universal principles of ethics and unwavering personal integrity. They are values-driven and morally consistent, assuming a shared responsibility for our society, our world, and nature.
4. Courage (Taking a powerful stand for what is right, proper and just regardless of the consequences and challenges)
Unless there is the courage necessary to do what is right, proper and just at all times and in all circumstances, the other C’s are compromised. Societal leaders show true courage, steadfastly pursuing what is in the best interest of people, our society and our world.
Make no mistake; leadership is not assigned by title, by education, or by profession, but rather in attitude and respect, and by standing up and doing whatever it takes to fulfill life’s duties and goals.
Reject the old paradigms of leadership. Only you can determine your purpose, know what you want to do, what makes you feel productive, and what you’re meant do. Accept the freedom to express yourself. Think bigger and don’t ask “why don’t THEY do something? Because we are THEY! We are, every one of us, potential Societal Leaders.
Sterling Eddy, FCPA, FCMA, FCMC
C-Level Executive Solutions, CEO Associate